On April 20th, the Foreign Trade University in coordination with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) successfully organized a workshop on “Border Carbon Adjustment Mechanisms and their Impact on Vietnam” in Ho Chi Minh City. The conference participants include scientists, representatives from government agencies, researchers, educators, businesses, policy planning agencies, and relevant stakeholders.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Nguyen Phuong Nam, CEO of KLINOVA, presented on carbon border adjustment mechanisms, EU’s import market and Vietnam’s export market for carbon-intensive goods. He also discussed carbon intensity in the production of such carbon-intensive goods of Vietnam and offered recommendations for Vietnamese businesses.

Border Carbon Adjustment (BCA) in general and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) of the European Union in particular are currently issues of great interest to the business community, researchers, and policy-makers in Vietnam. Specifically, under these mechanisms, certain imported goods into the EU market will be subject to additional fees corresponding to the amount of carbon emissions in the originating country if that country has not implemented a carbon credit market equivalent to that of the EU. Therefore, Vietnam and its businesses will need to have a deep understanding of this issue in order to develop adaptive strategies and responses to BCA and CBAM.

KLINOVA has been providing innovative technical and policy solutions, helping businesses adapt to and leverage BCA and CBAM to lead in green production, comply with international regulations, and contribute to a greener future.