Women – The key to the green future

17:00 | 16/08/4691873
To facilitate the participation of women and women-owned businesses in efforts to respond to cl...

To facilitate the participation of women and women-owned businesses in efforts to respond to climate change and aim at the carbon neutrality goal of the Vietnamese government, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), in collaboration with AusAID and USAIDS, and the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP), organized the workshop “Women in the Green Economy” on April 12th in Hanoi. The participants are representatives from the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, … and many development organizations and businesses.

Dr. Nguyen Phuong Nam, CEO of KLINOVA and the company’s experts attended the event to expand the network of connections with organizations and businesses interested in gender equality and sustainable development.

The presentations of domestic and international speakers affirmed the important role and strong potential of women in the green economy, considering this the key to sustainable development. Representative of the UN Women office in Vietnam, Ms.Luong Nhu Oanh affirmed that it is impossible to achieve sustainable development goals if women are not empowered and participate in the green transition process, while expert Franziska Deininger from IFC emphasized that promoting gender equality and responding to climate change are interrelated issues, especially for Vietnam, a country heavily impacted by climate change. From the perspective of a female entrepreneur, Ms. Michele Wee, General Director of Standard & Chartered Bank in Vietnam, assessed the field of green transformation providing women great chances of livelihood improvement and career development. Ms. Michele Wee stressed on training and giving tools in funding green projects. Deputy Director of the Department of Enterprise Management under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ms. Trinh Thi Huong, said that promoting gender equality and sustainable development together bring not only economic but also social efficiency. As Vietnam is one of the leading countries in climate commitment, Ms. Trinh Thi Huong emphasized that the most important thing is to take action to realize the proposed commitments.

The workshop helped to raise awareness of the benefits and prospects of participating in promoting the green economy, while providing women-owned enterprises the opportunity to access the practical and efficient resources and tools in the green transition process.

As a pioneer in climate innovation, KLINOVA is ready to effectively accompany businesses, especially women-owned businesses, in the process of sustainable transition with expertise in GHG Inventory, developing green transition schemes, and compiling ESG reports. With a broad quality network of domestic and international banks, financial institutes and development organizations, KLINOVA could support businesses to access financial and non-financial resources to efficiently and promptly adapt and mitigate the impacts of climate change and accelerate the transition to a green economy./.

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